Monday, April 23, 2012

Discovery Channel to Document Laffing Devils M/C Club

On May 8 Discovery Channel will premiere its latest reality-based show, The Devils Ride.

Billed as a “rare look” inside a “real motorcycle club,” the documentary-style program chronicles the culture and interactions of members of the San Diego, Calif.-based Laffing Devils motorcycle club.

A 60-second clip on YouTube, as well as a non-public teaser clip available for viewing only by invitation from Discovery, features various Devils members matter-of-factly explaining gaining access to club membership is difficult, that the Devils “have enemies,” are monitored by authorities for ostensibly conducting criminal activities, and that friction between members is a common theme.

This talking-head dialog is intercut with spurts of close ups of hands holding weapons, police cruisers, a brief fight scene and senior club members admonishing other members to act according to club rules.

Judging by the media-only teaser, a good deal of the show will focus on at least one “prospect” going through the rigors of hazing and proving devotion to club ideals.

Cruise the public comments posted in the two The Devil’s Ride YouTube trailers, and it seems a question at hand is whether or not the world is ready for another motorcycle-based reality program.  As one poster said, “No real MC would ever let this [expletive deleted] fly.”

Who’s to know the source of these posts (rival motorcycle club members, disenfranchised viewers, etc.). Nevertheless, a good deal of the comments about the show reveal that commenters question the authenticity of the club and its motives for participating in the documentation of its culture.

The Devil’s Ride is set to air Tuesday, May 8 at 10:00 p.m. Pacific on Discovery Channel.

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