Friday, March 23, 2012

Lady Moto Gymkhana: You Ride Like A Girl [Video]

A time-tested putdown among boys and adult males is the “You throw like a girl” insult meant to highlight the targeted male’s inability to throw some object with the appropriate force needed to get the object moving and continuing along the correct trajectory. In other words, as the male of your species you should posses the innate ability to throw a ball, but instead you lob it overhand like a female that’s never thrown a pitch or a pass in her life.

Of course, the action verb throw is replaceable with just about any action the insulter wishes. But if you’re a motorcyclist, and a buddy attempts to slam you with, “You ride like a chick!” then hang your head high. After you watch the lil’ lady in this 2011 video competing in the popular Japanese sport of motorcycle gymkhana you’ll wish you had two-wheeled skills as mad as hers.

If you’re familiar with gymkhana then you already know how well these riders can toss their motorcycles in and out of a tightly arranged series of cones, all while racing the clock. If you never seen motorcycle gymkhana, prepare yourself for amazement!

But in this case the thing that’s as equally as impressive as a woman competing and doing so well, is that she’s stitching a big ol’ Kawasaki ZRX (likely the 1200cc model) through those cones! This bike was never known for its corner-carving prowess, and was a rather heavy, lumbering beast when it wasn’t blitzing along in a straight line.

No matter to this Japanese female: with the exception of knocking over one cone she glides around the course with laser-like precision, seemingly folding the front-end in on itself time after time to make one smooth carve after another.

I can’t think of any male rider I know, here in the States, that could hang with Ms. Gymkhana here. Now go out and ride like a girl!

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