Leila emailed us some photos of her ultra-gorgeous, ultra-glam, ultra-funky loft and here's what she had to say: I always fantasized about sending you guys pics of my apartment when I finished decorating it, never thought it would take over two years. I have a beautiful loft in Brooklyn but it has this windowless room that I couldn't figure out. Basically I went back and forth between wanting a guest room and wanting a home office. Well in February I got laid off from my corporate fashion job and was given a nice severance. My dream has always been to have my own line so that's what I'm doing. Made the office decision easy! It has been the absolute best thing that's ever happened to me! I now have a cot in the laundry room for guests. They hate it! So here's my pics, I've gotten sooooo many ideas from you! My style is what we call in fashion OTT (over the top). My mom thinks all the chandeliers make it look like a brothel (I have 12).
What do mothers know anyhow? I think every girl should have 12 chandeliers!! (Thanks Leila!!)
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