Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Indiana May Soon Allow Motorcycle Sales OnSundays?

If this shop was in Indiana and you wanted to purchase a Duc on Sunday, you’d have to wait ’til Monday. But a change in Indiana state law may soon allow sales of motorcycles on Sundays.

File this one under odd things most people didn’t know about motorcycling. It’s not uncommon to hear that some states or various counties within a state have certain restrictions, or prohibit altogether, the sale of alcohol on Sundays. However, Indiana has a law on the books (an old “blue law”) that prohibits the sale of motor vehicles on Sundays. A person selling on Sundays is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. But with respect to bike sales the law will likely change soon.

Indiana Senate Bill 0192 would lift the ban on selling bikes on the seventh day of the week.

The bill’s co-author, Senator Jean Leising (R), cites current economic woes for excluding bike sales from the law. Leising is quoted in a report on, saying, “Statewide, Indiana has more than 400 motorcycle dealerships. This means potentially thousands of residents are connected to this industry in some way and, during times when families are struggling financially, we should do everything we can to give the industry a boost and help create more jobs or increased wages.”

The bill recently passed the state House in a 68-31 vote, and if it clears the Senate, Gov. Mitch Daniels will likely sign the bill into law, which will then go into effect on July 1 of this year.

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