Friday, March 11, 2011


I wanted to take a moment today & share a great story with you!
I've had the benefit of meeting one of our customers that had an interesting, yet eye opening, situation.
He had always wanted a Harley-Davidson but, with kids, a wife, a career and several hobbies, he just never felt the timing was right.  He also struggled justifying the price of the bike he wanted.  He made several visits to our dealership, asking questions about different Harley models as well as their specs, pricing, etc.
After much hesitation, he finally decided to take a look at some actual numbers.  As I went over the different payment options within his budget, we had an epiphany that got us working together as a team.  Financially brainstorming with monthly payments, we calculated what his fuel costs were driving his current vehicle to work vs. taking a Harley which gets approximately 54 miles per gallon.  We also added in the cost of insurance, registration, as well as service maintenance cost on the two vehicles.  
Surprisingly, we concluded that, if he rode the Harley to work an average of 3 - 4 days weekly, the bike would pay for itself as well as $15 to $20 a month in his pocket to boot!!

With gas prices so unpredictable, one can be certain that fun is for sale and in some cases FREE!!!!

Sonny Farmer

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